Saturday, January 15, 2011

More of the CG&E Line

Here are a couple more cards from the CG&E Line. I am disappointed with the way my photos are coming out. Colours are off, and they just do not do them justice. Anyway, these ones are simple and cute.

Enjoy =)

Butterfly Mother's Day
(the backdrop was BLACK ... card is fuschia and white ... stupid camera ...)

Diamonds and Dashes for Dad

Not sure if these were even worth posting ... such lousy quality!

AA Challenge #2

Our 2nd Challenge was to create a card (for any occassion) that had a different type of fold than a basic card. I had come across "exploding box" cards online and had been wanting to give them a try. I used this challenge as an opportunity to give it a go! Mine isn't too elaborate but you get the idea. It was very simple to do, and only time consuming because I couldn't think of how I wanted to fill the spaces. This one is meant to look like a plain parcel on the ouside, because the recipient is a UPS Delivery Man.

Ready for gifting.

Twine untied and being opened.

(box/card falls open)

The "just for you" pocket is the perfect size
for a gift card. (My oldest son still has to sign the card!)

Some glittery chipboard accents and stamps.

Last view.

I hope you like it!
I am happy with it for my first attempt, and no instructions.
(I used my own measurements and methods).
Please leave a comment!

Have a GREAT weekend!! =)