Saturday, January 15, 2011

AA Challenge #2

Our 2nd Challenge was to create a card (for any occassion) that had a different type of fold than a basic card. I had come across "exploding box" cards online and had been wanting to give them a try. I used this challenge as an opportunity to give it a go! Mine isn't too elaborate but you get the idea. It was very simple to do, and only time consuming because I couldn't think of how I wanted to fill the spaces. This one is meant to look like a plain parcel on the ouside, because the recipient is a UPS Delivery Man.

Ready for gifting.

Twine untied and being opened.

(box/card falls open)

The "just for you" pocket is the perfect size
for a gift card. (My oldest son still has to sign the card!)

Some glittery chipboard accents and stamps.

Last view.

I hope you like it!
I am happy with it for my first attempt, and no instructions.
(I used my own measurements and methods).
Please leave a comment!

Have a GREAT weekend!! =)

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I am impressed you did this without instructions. Okay...I have to try too!

