Monday, January 31, 2011

More ... Finally!

It's been a little while since I've added to the CG&E Collection ... Time seems hard to come by lately ... Anyway, here are a few new ones.

Sweet Daisies
May look familiar - I changed an old card that I wasn't happy with
and I think it turned out cute this time around ... it's never too late =P

Pop Princess
Another diva card for a little music-loving princess.

You're The Best
I so badly need a better camera ... the colours on this one are very cute together ...

Wild, Flirty, Exotic, Sexy
This would be cute from a girl to a close girlfriend ... maybe personalize inside with
"You're FABULOUS at 40!", for example. Each colour is embossed with a different animal print -
blue = peacock feathers, pink = zebra,
lime green (looks yellow in pic) = snake skin, purple = leopard
LOVE it <3 ... very "me" ... =D 

Hope you enjoyed these ones ... I am currently out of order (ie: out of ATG tape) and not sure WHEN I will be back in "business" ... but I will keep you "posted" ... =)

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